The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

New cancer treatments have perplexing side effects

January 2, 2018 at 4:01 p.m. EST
Zofia Piotrowska, left, checks sores in the mouth of Diane Legg last month in Danvers, Mass. Legg is undergoing treatment for lung cancer. (Jamie Cotten for The Washington Post)

When Diane Legg began seeing black specks in her right eye, she went to an ophthalmologist near her home in Amesbury, Mass. He said she had a torn retina and needed laser surgery.

Legg's oncologist was skeptical. He was worried that Legg had eye inflammation, called uveitis, that was caused by an immunotherapy drug she had been on for advanced lung cancer. If so, Legg needed to get a far different treatment — and quickly — to avoid vision problems or blindness.