The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Ben Carson’s health-care prescription is no cure for what ails Americans

With CarsonCare, we wouldn’t be healthier and we wouldn’t save money.

October 29, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. EDT
Ben Carson speaks during a campaign stop at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, on Oct. 24. (Daniel Acker/Bloomberg)

Ben Carson began rolling out his policy alternatives for the American health-care system this week. Like many prescriptions, it’s a bit difficult to decipher at first glance — though not because of poor handwriting.

To put it bluntly, CarsonCare is a muddle. It’s hard to know precisely what he’s proposing when he says, as he did in Wednesday’s debate, that it gives people “the option of opting out” of government health care. But based on what we know, it would neither expand access to health care nor improve quality, nor save a whole lot of money. Here’s what we think we know about Carson’s proposal: