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Minnesota woman with rare illness develops allergies to everything — including her husband

December 3, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. EST
Johanna Watkins of Minnesota has a rare disorder in which she has severe allergic reactions to hundreds of things — including her husband. The couple are raising money to renovate a home that may save her life. (Courtesy of Johanna Watkins/GoFundMe)

For someone battling a life-threatening illness, being surrounded by loved ones can be a source of strength and recovery.

But for Johanna Watkins, a Minnesota woman locked in a desperate struggle for survival, being close to others is not an option.

Watkins suffers from a particularly brutal strain of mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), a rare immunological condition in which the body overproduces the chemicals responsible for controlling allergic reactions. The symptoms and triggers vary by patient, but range from typical allergic reactions to more serious and debilitating responses such as anaphylactic shock.