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Burned by flaming water-skis? Bitten by a squirrel? There’s a medical code for that.

October 1, 2015 at 12:20 p.m. EDT
Suffering from prolonged stay in a weightless environment? Your doctor now has a diagnostic code for you: X52. (iStock)

This post has been updated.

So you've been burned by flaming water skis? Attacked by an orca? Sucked into a jet engine? Try to remember the details for your doctor, because there's now a medical code for your condition.

The crazy-sounding diagnostic codes are part of a huge change set to take place Thursday in doctor's offices, hospitals, nursing homes, insurance companies and just about every part of the U.S. health system. If things go according to the long-delayed plan, patients shouldn't notice and care shouldn't be affected.