Kevin McCarthy, G.O.P. House Leader, Says He Could Work With Donald Trump

Kevin McCarthy, left, the House majority leader, and Speaker Paul Ryan on Capitol Hill this month.Credit Zach Gibson/The New York Times

Representative Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California and the House majority leader, said on Monday that he would be able to work with Donald J. Trump as the party’s presidential nominee, the latest signal of acceptance from national figures of the billionaire real estate developer.

“I think I’ll work with Donald Trump,” Mr. McCarthy said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program, adding, “I think I can work with anyone that comes out to be the nominee.”

That includes Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who helped egg on a government shutdown over efforts to defund President Obama’s signature health care law, according to Mr. McCarthy.

While Mr. McCarthy’s comments were hardly a ringing endorsement of Mr. Trump, they were not an expression of concern about the impact that the first-time candidate could have on the party’s chances at taking back the White House or holding its majority in the Senate.

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