The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

VA chief Shulkin, under fire for Europe trip, acknowledges ‘the optics of this are not good’

February 15, 2018 at 10:29 a.m. EST
Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.) on Feb. 15 asked Veterans Affairs Secretary David J. Shulkin about his taxpayer-funded travel to Europe in 2017. (Video: House Veterans' Affairs Committee)

Veterans Affairs Secretary David J. Shulkin promised House lawmakers Thursday that he will repay parts of his taxpayer-funded travel to Europe last year, a 10-day trip that included choice accommodations for a Wimbledon tennis match and several sightseeing excursions with his wife.

Shulkin, appearing shaken and remorseful, told members of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs that he would “do whatever I have to do to make things right” following publication Wednesday of a damning report detailing efforts by the secretary and his staff to mislead VA’s ethics office. The report was written by Michael J. Missal, the agency’s inspector general.